สอนเทคนิคเปียโน A Major Scale/Arpeggio/Chord Progression
สอนเทคนิคเปียโน A Major [EP11][FULL] Scale/Arpeggio/Chord Progression | GIMIX STUDIO
► โน้ตแบบฝึกหัด FREE Sheet Music:
- Right Hand/ Left Hand: https://bit.ly/3fAwzk7
- 2 Hands: https://bit.ly/3clAjUG
In this lesson, you’ll learn:
- The Scales
- Fingering and hands position of scale
- Legato scale playing
- The arpeggios
- Fingering and hands position of arpeggio
- Legato arpeggio playing
- The chord progression
- Chords and Bass lines
- Two hands coordination exercise
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